BC Call to Action: Private Members Bill (Bill M212)

Poverty Reduction and Economic Inclusion Act: Private Members Bill (Bill M212)

Recently, MLA Michelle Mungall, (Nelson-Creston) tabled a private members bill to implement a provincial Poverty Reduction Strategy. Tabling this bill also enabled discussion in the Legislature on the importance of addressing Child and Family Poverty through the introduction of a Poverty Reduction Strategy. We will follow progress on this Bill as it requires additional readings in order to be implemented. You can watch Michelle's presentation in the Legislature.

As individuals and/or as a club you can email your MLA and ask them to support this Bill. For clubs, you could say something like...CFUW [Name of club] supports the establishment of a provincial Poverty Reduction Strategy as we believe that this approach has the best chance of achieving success in addressing the issue of Poverty. We note that a private members Bill (Bill212 - The Poverty Reduction and Economic Inclusion Act) has recently been presented in the House. We urge you to take action and support this Bill on behalf of children and families facing poverty in BC. Signed by [Club President].

Click here for more information about the bill. Please remember that you may contact your MLA either as an individual or as a club. Contact with the Premier is done through BC Council on behalf of all clubs, but members  in your club may contact the Premier as individuals about this issue.) BC Council has also written to the Premier asking for her support in implementing a Poverty Reduction Strategy.