11:30 Registration | 12:00 Lunch
Victoria Golf Club (1110 Beach Drive)
The deadline for sending your form is January 20. On the form, you can also indicate if you wish to sponsor or host a student. Click here for the reservation form. (Print the form and mail the filled out form including a cheque as per the instructions on the form) So please join us for a fun event in January.
Besides enjoying a wonderful lunch and speaker, you can also help in two other ways. You can sponsor a student by paying for her lunch. Or you can host a student by offering to sit beside her or give her a ride to lunch.
We will have as our guest speaker, Janice Simcoe, who is Director of Indigenous Education and Community Connections at Camosun College. Janise is an Anishinaabe (Rama) woman.
Come to the annual S&B Lunch! This is a chance to meet and mingle with our award winners from the past year. It is fun to talk with these young women just beginning their careers and lives.