
About the CFUW Victoria Scholarship and Bursary Society

All active members of the Canadian Federation of University Women Victoria are also members of the Scholarship and Bursary (S&B) Society, a registered charitable organization with the ability to issue tax receipts. The S&B Society was founded in 1977 to fund scholarships and bursaries at post-secondary institutions in British Columbia, primarily in the Victoria area. The society's function is to oversee and direct the funds received by the Club for scholastic awards funded through donations, bequests, fundraising, and an annual stipend from Club dues.

Although the S&B Society was founded more than 40 years ago, our club actually made its first award more than 100 years ago. Then known as the University Women’s Club of Victoria, in 1912 the club made a commitment to financially support women’s university education in British Columbia and, in 1917, was the first organization in BC to recognize the newly planned University of British Columbia by establishing an annual bursary for $50. It took a considerable effort to create a fund that would produce an annual bursary of this magnitude. The Club maintained a loan fund during the depression and the war years and loans were repaid once the recipient was employed!

Read the CFUW Victoria Scholarship and Bursary Society Annual Report.

CFUW Victoria S&B supports more than 33 awards at our three post-secondary institutions (PSIs). Scholarship and bursary recipients are selected by the Awards Committee of each institution according to established criteria. The value of our endowed funds (held by foundations at the three PSIs) is more than $1.34 million (S&B 2020-21 Annual Report). In 2020-2021 we had a total of 33 awards given to 39 students totaling over $58,000 from our endowments. This included disbursements to Camosun students of over $15,000, to Royal Roads students of $8,000, and to University of Victoria students of over $35,000. Applications are made through the schools and each institution’s awards committee selects recipients. All awards are awarded in the name of CFUW Victoria.

We have a Fundraising, non-board email: (

We're honoured to be overseeing these funds that support post-secondary education in our region.

We continue to develop educational support for women in BC.

  • 2022: Three new awards as a result of bequest from the Estate of Doreen Sutherland, set up as a $30,000 endowment each:
    • Camosun: Doreen Sutherland Award in Sonography
    • Royal Roads University: Doreen Sutherland Award for Indigenous Scholars
    • University of Victoria: Doreen Sutherland Award for Immigrant & Refugee Women
  • 2020: a new award at Camosun for Indigenous Health Care Aide course
    • 2020 opened and embraced by member donations
    • 2021 $26,000 was sent to Camosun to set up the endowment and pay out an award for the 2021-2022 award year
  • 2017: to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our first award we created two new awards:
    • Camosun: for a woman studying in one of the traditional trades
    • University of Victoria for a woman studying in the Faculty of Science (mathematics and statistics, or physics and astronomy).
  • 2008: to recognize the 100th anniversary of the Club, funding was increased at each institution to ensure awards are permanent and self-sustaining.

Special Events

Each year the Club celebrates the achievements of our scholarship and bursary winners at an Award Event, usually held in February. Recipients have an opportunity to learn more about mentoring services of CFUW and to meet CFUW members in the same and other fields.

Some Recent CFUW Victoria Award Recipients

2021/2022 Award Recipients

2019/2020 Award Recipients

2018/2019 Award Recipients

2017/2018 Award Recipients

2015/2016 Award Recipients

2014/2015 Award Recipients

2013/2014 Award Recipients

CFUW Victoria Annual Scholarships and Bursaries

Please see our current awards.Save

National and International Awards

Awards are also offered nationally by the Canadian Federation of University Women and internationally by Graduate Women International. View these awards on their web sites: CFUW and GWI.

  1. Donate directly to S&B:

You may donate via eTransfer directly to S&B or via Cheque.

eTransfer to S&B at Coast Capital Savings:

use email:

Donate by cheque to:

Attention: S&B Treasurer
CFUW Victoria Scholarship and Bursary Society
Box 227, 1581-H, Hillside Avenue
Victoria  V8T 2C1


2. Donate via Canada Helps:

You may use PayPal or your credit card and, if you wish, log in to your personal CanadaHelps account. Please consider adding 4% to cover any fees. (See full fee structure on CanadaHelps web site.)



3. Donate by bequest (legacy):

Please contact our S&B Chair if you're interested in exploring setting up a bequest or legacy. Further information can be found in our tri-fold brochure.