CFUW Saanich Peninsula is putting on a fashion show. Models will be from their club and will feature fashions for women of all ages. There will even be a few grandkids modeling clothes.
The event is a fund raiser for the Moms and Mentors programme at the Individualized Learning Centre. This programme matches young moms with women a few years older to help them continue and finish their education while caring for their babies.
The Fashion Show is at 1:30 on Saturday, May the 5th and will be at the Shoal Centre at 10030 Resthaven Drive in Sidney. There will be an afternoon tea served as well as a silent auction.
It will be a great outing for your Neighbourhood Group!
Tickets may be purchased from Susan Lane at the April 18th General Meeting for $25 for adults and $15 for students. Or you can pick them up at Suzanne’s and Jenny’s at Broadmead or contact Sue at 250-479-2484. See you there; it will be lots of fun!