AGM – Tuesday, May 16, 2017 – For members only

Celebrate Canada's 150th birthday with CFUW

Join us for our annual General Meeting a delicious dinner

and to be inspired by keynote speaker, historian and author

Merna Forster

Dinner must be ordered by May 9

Order forms will be available at the March and April meetings to pay the $35 fee in person or mail the form to :
Judy Stewart at 1-1632 Rockland Ave, Victoria BC V8S 1W7

Merna Forster will give an illustrated presentation about notable women in Canadian history, highlighting some of the amazing people featured in her books; copies available for signing and purchase following the presentation.

Local historian Merna Forster led the successful national campaign calling for Canadian women to be featured on bank notes, and served on the Bank of Canada Advisory Council which reviewed nominations. A professional speaker who is frequently interviewed on radio and TV, she wrote the bestselling books 100 Canadian Heroines and 100 More Canadian Heroines. Merna also created the website, and helped raise funds for the Emily Carr statue in Victoria. 

Merna Forster was awarded the 2016 Governor General’s History Award for Popular Media (Pierre Berton Award). A recipient of the Canada 125 Medal and the prestigious Daughters of the American Revolution Historic Preservation Medal, she received a University of Alberta Alumni Honour Award for her accomplishments as a Canadian historian, especially her advocacy in raising awareness of Canada's unsung heroines. Full biography on her website (