Webinar: Communities for Action
Free – February 24/25, 2015

Webinar: Communities for Action

24/25 February 2015
This webinar, for members only, will explore how to recruit members and retain members by engaging them in the activities of your organisation. The webinar will provide an overview of the member journey, including meeting members’ needs, providing opportunities for involvement and creating an impact towards your mission with your membership community. The webinar will include time for questions and discussion.

Date and time: 24 February at 17:30 Central European Time (CET) and repeated on 25 February at 10:00 CET. Please check your local time here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html.

Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Who should participate? All members

How do I register? Register online for the 10:00 CET webinar here and for the 17:30 CET webinar here.

What do I need to participate?
A computer, tablet or smartphone, internet connection, headphones or speakers, and a microphone if you would like to give comments and ask questions orally (there is also a “chat” function to type your question).